Anna Gordon
4 min readOct 27, 2020

Over the years I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the little boxes we cram ourselves, and others, into. People often contact me in hopes that I will tell them which ‘box’ they fit into and are initially disappointed when I tell them that I have no cookie-cutter test or quick-fix prescription to give them. Truth be told, most people already hold the wisdom they seek. What they really want is permission to act on their ambitions.

While I’m not opposed to titles, I do worry when people determine their abilities or self worth by them. Part of the problem is that we spend so much time waiting for someone to grant us a title, we forget the very thing that makes work meaningful: to use our talents, guided by our values, to put some awesome into the world.


“I am not reggae, I am me. I am bigger than the limits that are put on me. It all has to do with the individual journey.”Ziggy Marley

To illustrate my point, here are some cheeky, yet stereotypical, profiles:

To fit in the ACTIVIST box, one must:

  • work exclusively for non-profit organizations
  • have an entire wardrobe of Birkenstocks and protest t-shirts
  • love camping, yoga, and eating tempeh

To fit in the WRITER box, one must:

  • reject money and suffer for her art
  • enjoy reading and analyzing Walden by Thoreau
  • be sustained by coffee and philosophical discussions with other (broke) writers

To fit in the ATHLETE box, one must:

  • invest heavily in anything by Adidas, Nike or Under Armour
  • spend every waking moment preparing to run marathons
  • consume a diet of protein shakes and egg whites

To fit in the LEADER box, one must

  • live only to work and be accessible 24–7
  • wear power suits and high heels
  • have a large corner office and an important sounding title

Silly, isn’t it? Regardless of how we arrive at these characterizations, we need to be aware of them to keep ourselves from eliminating many of the wonderful options available to us in life. If you’re waiting for a protest sign to be an ACTIVIST, waiting to quit your day job to become a WRITER, waiting for a promotion to be a LEADER, or waiting to run a marathon to be an ATHLETE, you’ll be doing just that — waiting.


“It isn’t enough to think outside the box. Thinking is passive. Get used to acting outside the box.”Tim Ferris

Human beings are complex creatures. We have many loves, dreams, talents, and fears. Life is messy and unruly; it can’t be tamed. There is brilliance in all people, and we do a disservice to ourselves and others by trying to categorize how it should look or be offered. Waiting to neatly fit into a specific box is a waste of time — time that could be spent doing instead of just thinking.

Best part? When you become a person of action, contribution and solution, people take notice and this is not only good for your personal mojo, it’s good for your career.

NOW is the time to start something.

NOW is the time to display your greatness.

NOW is the time to stretch those big, bad, bold-living muscles because life has no biases — it waits for no one.

Action will lead to more action. Start with one tiny movement and watch the momentum build.


“You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.” — Unknown

When we dare to step outside of these self-imposed boxes, we change to story about what we can do and who we can become. When this happens, we shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. When you look at these two mindsets closer, you’ll understand why this is so vitally important:

Fixed mindset = I’m either good or bad at something (belief) = I have limited abilities/options (belief) = I must select the perfect option or I will fail (thought) = inaction (result) = I am a failure (limiting belief)


Growth mindset = I have abilities and can develop others I don’t have or may need (belief) = I have many abilities/options (belief) = I can try new things, expand my learning, and then make new choices from what I find (thought) = exploration (result) = I am capable of more (expanding belief)

Can you see how one path limits our careers and our world, while the other dramatically expands it? Since many of us can get stuck in a fixed mindset, I often recommend immediate action and follow up. Why? To change the story in your brain that not only can you take action but you will, indeed, survive.


“Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box.” — Deepak Chopra

This will be equal parts scared and surrender and, as with any change, it will require time and practise. To enjoy our work, let alone advance our careers, we need to be willing to step outside of our comfort zone and that requires risk. Risk of judgement. Risk of being turned down. Risk of making an error or, gulp, being successful.

Again, start small. When we act, we are taking back our story and overcoming the inertia that leaves us stuck. What one small action could you take today to let the real YOU shine through?

Perhaps you could:

  • spend the first moments of your day writing in an idea journal instead of scrolling through social media
  • mentor a new co-worker
  • contribute helpful feedback at the next meeting
  • look for a solution that could create an efficiency for your team

The possibilities are endless. You are only limited by your imagination, so be brave and have fun.



Anna Gordon

Career Strategist | Mindset Coach | Helping women find their STRUT so they can lead, laugh + level up in their careers.